How to Know God’s Will

How to know whether what I’m praying for is in line with God’s will?

Yes, that was a hard one when I started my journey as a believer in Jesus Christ. But I notice that as the years went by it got easier. There is no shortcut to this one. I had to start by reading and understanding my Bible more, the word of God. As I kept reading and obeying His commandments I got to know His ways and His character. The basic rule of thumb is to know what the Bible says about the matter I’m praying about. If it is not there specifically then I have to depend on my understanding of His ways and His personality. And then of course I also pray for Him to tell me His will on the matter. That is how praying to God makes us know Him better and appreciate Him more. In a relationship, love blooms through communication!


Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible, Bible App by


Art courtesy of YouVersion Bible app. I am using the Bible App by for my daily devotion. Download it now for your mobile device.
