Author: purejoyland

~.~.~.~ I create fun~.~.~.~ where there is none. ~.~.~.~ I try.~.~.~.~ *^*^*

Happy Woman’s Day 2019!

I was praying on Wednesday when God spoke to me about Eve. How she wasn’t made from the ground like Adam. How she was different. She was made from a living being, Adam. God took her from the side of “man,” the Hebrew word for man being sounding like “Adam.” The New International Version Bible…

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Happy New Year 2019!

  2018 was a great year for me. So many lessons and revelations, far more precious than the gardening lessons!   Early last year two of my family members and I attended a seminar called, “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” based on the book of the same title by Pete Scazzero. Whoa, that brought my world upside-down.…

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Summer Fun 2018

Summer is here! At least for us in the northeast. Surely summer is always fun, happy, bright, relaxed… Hmm, probably not relaxed for many, more like hectic. It would be relaxed for students out of school but hectic for those doing summer jobs. It’s never relaxed for people working nine to five or night shifts,…

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Father Abraham

The Bible says that the fathers of the Jewish nation are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But in many instances it also singles out Abraham as the father of the nation of Israel. His original name was “Abram” which means “exalted father,” but God changed it to “Abraham” which means “father of many nations.”   Genesis…

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Lenten Season Meditations 2018

  I know that God’s thoughts for me are countless because of the following passages: 17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you. (Psalm 139)…

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