Phew! Feeling relieved having survived all that shopping, cooking, sending off presents, partying and eating days of left-overs of rich food? Well, take a deep breath, honey, you will start the cycle all over again tomorrow! How did you spend your Boxing Day? If you’re in England, Canada, Australia or New Zealand, you were…
Author: purejoyland
God is love and His covenant with His people He calls His Covenant of Peace. When we see a rainbow across the horizon it reminds us of Noah and his ark. “To me this is like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth. So…
Christmas Happiness
Christmas! So much happiness and cheer come with the season of trees, Santa Claus, stockings, sleigh bells, reindeer, carols, parties, presents and church plays! Well, at least for many people. If you are in Southeast Asia and you’re not Christian you most probably are not celebrating Christmas and it probably doesn’t mean much to you, except…
Thankful at Thanksgiving
It is hard to celebrate Thanksgiving without giving some thought, in fact, deep thought, to what actually happened around that “mythical picture” of the “first” Thanksgiving. I had been homeschooling my special needs child for the past two years and whenever Thanksgiving comes around I would borrow books from the library for us to learn…
Lifetime Happiness
Today we’re going to talk about lifetime happiness. What comes to your mind? When we are young we make two major decisions – choosing a career and choosing a spouse. I just found out lately that here in America there’s another crucial decision before those two – to stay or to go, i.e. move to…
Happy Holidays – Free Shipping!
Alas, Summer is gone! Shorts and tees have been stored in boxes and closets and now we’re donning cardigans, jackets and leggings again. Oh, but I love Autumn colors and the glorious Christmas songs and parties, and happy Hannukah! Even the Indians have their Diwali and then there will be New Year and hmmm, I…
Sweet Potato Dreams
Sweet potato! In the Philippines and Mexico they call it “camote.” In New Zealand they call it “kumara,” in Malaysia and Indonesia it’s known as “ubi kentang,” in Japan it is “imo.” The botanists call it Ipomoea batatas. I’m sure almost everyone eats sweet potato – boiled, steamed, in pies, in soups, as salted or…
Helpful Tips on Transfer of Purchase Payments
How do I get paid for purchases on my VGWellness nutritionals business? Most of the time people say, “I’ll send you a check.” Yes, personal checks are always good! However, thanks to online banking, now we have other reliable ways of sending small amounts to each other. They are faster and more convenient, too! …
Hardcore Joy
You must be wondering why so many blogs on just two words – “happiness” and “joy.” They must be a couple of such wonderful things we just can’t get enough of them. Happiness is exciting, brings us to a high that is, alas, short-lived, and joy is supposed to be nothing but an intense version…
Level Up!
Congratulations! You have just moved one level up! If you have read all the blog posts on “Joy” and “Happiness” posted before today, you have just upped your game one level higher! You’re getting HARDCORE!! Cheers and Godspeed!