
I love reading my Bible, I love singing songs to God, I love praying, but asking God to search my heart? No! That means owning up to my sins, owning up to my unfaithfulness to Him, shortcomings, bad thoughts, wrong emotions and motives, etc. But really, whenever this one unpleasant time with God I would do, a shift in my life happens – a breakthrough in areas where I encounter walls or mountains, a refreshing where there was dryness, a new growth where there was a death, etc. Phew! It is a time of dying to self before God BUT it brings new life! To be really honest though, I find it hard to hear God telling me what’s wrong with me if I just ask Him. Usually, it is when I am reading my Bible that I encounter something, then I hear God telling me where I need to change. It’s easier to hear God correcting me through His word, the Bible.


Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible, Bible App by


Art courtesy of YouVersion Bible app. I am using the Bible App by for my daily devotion. Download it now for your mobile device.
