Be Steadfast

Therefore. What is it “there for”? We need to look at the verses before this one so we can understand what it is “there for.” The previous paragraph, 1 Cor. 15:50-57, talks about the fact that Jesus has already conquered sin and death at the cross for us. For the believer, resurrection is a sure thing, because Jesus already conquered sin and death for him. Hallelujah! The paragraph says that when Jesus comes again and brings in the New Heavens and the New Earth I will be changed, at the twinkling of an eye, from perishable to imperishable, from mortal to immortal! And elsewhere in the Bible (Matt 5:12, Luke 6:23,35, Heb 11:26, etc.) it says God will reward me for the works of faith that I do! No, I can’t imagine exactly what that looks like, except that I will have a home in Heaven and I will be with God and His angels every day, where it’s all love, joy and peace – no tears – for all eternity! For me, that is a reward more than enough to keep me going. Hallelujah!


Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible, Bible App by


Art courtesy of YouVersion Bible app. I am using the Bible App by for my daily devotion. Download it now for your mobile device.
