This verse can only make sense if we look at what Jesus meant by “this”. Looking at the two previous verses before the above “this” refers to what Jesus said, that “it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven,” and “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Some commentaries say that “eye of a needle” was the name of a small gate in the city of Jerusalem where people had to bend to go in and camels are too big to go through. True or not, I do not know, but the essence the passage is saying is that it is hard for a rich man to get to Heaven. Somehow, riches and the management of those riches, have a way of ensnaring people’s hearts so that it would be impossible for them to get saved. But praise God, Jesus said it looks impossible to us but it is NOT impossible for Him! He can change people’s hearts, even those of the rich, so that they can be set free from the snares of earthly riches, and get saved! Thank God I do not have much riches but I have to keep examining my heart whether I am getting ensnared by whatever little material possessions I have. The love of money happens not only with the rich but also with the poor.
Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible, Bible App by YouVersion.com
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