Once saved, always saved? Here King David asks God not to take the Holy Spirit from him because he committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband killed. This is part of his repentance prayer. He is asking God for forgiveness. Once God takes away the Holy Spirit from the believer he does not have that assurance of salvation anymore. King David actually saw that happen in King Saul’s life so he had every reason to be really afraid. The Holy Spirit is the seal of the believer’s promised salvation. (Ephesians 1:13) He also prayed that God will make his own spirit willing to follow God in all His ways, that is, to be obedient to the Holy Spirit again. Having the Holy Spirit or not is what makes us acceptable or unacceptable to God. It is the one thing I can never afford to lose. “Never leave planet earth without the Holy Spirit!”
Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible, Bible App by YouVersion.com
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