This passage is from a psalm of King David. For me this verse sounds figurative because I am not an infantry soldier in a battlefield of rough terrain filled with pits. On the contrary, David, the slayer of the giant Goliath, was a soldier almost all his life and he fought in hand-to-hand combats. He was the best warrior in King Saul’s army. He also led a renegade troop when his own king (Saul) sought after his life because Saul felt threatened by his popularity. When he became king after Saul, David also fought in many battles. It looks like in this passage he fell into a slippery and muddy pit while running or riding away from or chasing the enemy. This may or may not have happened to him but this was a likely scenario for soldiers in his time. It looks like he was taken out of action and was not even in a good place where he could defend himself if he was found by the enemy. In fact, he was in a very vulnerable, trapped position. BUT he prayed and waited for God to deliver him. He cried in desperation and God sent help. Notice the “rock” is mentioned here again. Being able to firmly stand on a rock (a monolith or crag) – a solid, stable ground – is to be in a position of strength. Being on slippery, muddy ground where one can’t even fight, run, let alone firmly stand, to defend one’s self is a very dangerous place. In the same way, with God as my Rock, I am firmly standing on solid ground and I am in a safe position. Being in a state of unbelief or in doubt is like standing on slippery, muddy ground. Believing in God and His help and making Him my dwelling place and the solid ground I stand upon is the way to go!
Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible, Bible App by YouVersion.com
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