Category: Happiness

Happy Woman’s Day 2019!

I was praying on Wednesday when God spoke to me about Eve. How she wasn’t made from the ground like Adam. How she was different. She was made from a living being, Adam. God took her from the side of “man,” the Hebrew word for man being sounding like “Adam.” The New International Version Bible…

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Happy New Year 2019!

  2018 was a great year for me. So many lessons and revelations, far more precious than the gardening lessons!   Early last year two of my family members and I attended a seminar called, “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” based on the book of the same title by Pete Scazzero. Whoa, that brought my world upside-down.…

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Summer Fun 2018

Summer is here! At least for us in the northeast. Surely summer is always fun, happy, bright, relaxed… Hmm, probably not relaxed for many, more like hectic. It would be relaxed for students out of school but hectic for those doing summer jobs. It’s never relaxed for people working nine to five or night shifts,…

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Happy Valentine’s 2018!

  Eros is commonly known as the god of love and Cupid is that little “angel” or “cherub” who shoots people’s hearts so that they “fall in love”. The most popular “love” I knew growing up was romantic (or “erotic” from “Eros”) love and the rest is just foggy talk on idealized “love” – God’s…

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Happy New Year 2017!

  Praise God for Christmas! It reminds us to face the New Year with Hope and Courage! Isn’t it so apt that just one week before the new year we always have Christmas? Every end of the year we are faced with uncertainties for the future, and especially more so this year! But Christmas reminds…

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Christmas Happiness

Christmas! So much happiness and cheer come with the season of trees, Santa Claus, stockings, sleigh bells, reindeer, carols, parties, presents and church plays! Well, at least for many people. If you are in Southeast Asia and you’re not Christian you most probably are not celebrating Christmas and it probably doesn’t mean much to you, except…

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Thankful at Thanksgiving

It is hard to celebrate Thanksgiving without giving some thought, in fact, deep thought, to what actually happened around that “mythical picture” of the “first” Thanksgiving. I had been homeschooling my special needs child for the past two years and whenever Thanksgiving comes around I would borrow books from the library for us to learn…

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