Love the Lord

The God of Israel carried her on “eagle’s wings” (Exodus 19:4) from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land. He performed signs and wonders to get them out of there and provided them manna (bread) from heaven and water from a rock for forty years in the desert, where He taught them lessons on faith and obedience. Now He’s telling them to love Him back. The story of Israel is a type of the life of the Christian believer. I remember the faithful works of God in my life and how He saved me by showing me His way of Truth. I have realized that there are many vain things in life that can enslave me and lead me to the wrong way. The Israelites saw the miracles of God but they did not understand. Only Moses truly understood and learned the ways of God. Maybe it was because prior to leading Israel out of Egypt, Moses spent his own forty years of being alone in the desert, tending sheep, reflecting on life, and then he encountered God as the Burning Bush. In our day we may not be tending sheep but doing some other more stimulating, exciting albeit sometimes boring job. The IT age has not only made us more busy but frenetic. Still, the same God is speaking, the same God is calling on us to slow down, turn aside and see the Light, the way of Life. It is harder to hear, thus, we must intentionally take time and effort to listen. Oh, the mercies and grace of God that have opened my eyes to see! It is a loving work of God that I now have a deeper understanding and am able to totally agree with Him, knowing what He actually means, when He says that I should, and must, love God, with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my might.


Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible, Bible App by


Art courtesy of YouVersion Bible app. I am using the Bible App by for my daily devotion. Download it now for your mobile device.
